Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Lot to be Thankful For!

       I love this time of year! The leaves changing colors and falling off the trees! The weather getting cooler! The smells that fills the air! And I can change the candles in the house to apples and cinnamon (my favorite smell; but I only like to use it around the holidays!) I just love it! Also there is so much to do and I love to be busy! First there's Thanksgiving, then Tony's and my anniversary, then Christmas and the Rowan's Birthday and then New Years! Sooo we go non stop it seems, but that's okay I love making the memories with the boys!
      Thanksgiving was a few days ago and it was a little different this year. Tony always has to work and Tony's dad side of the family always celebrates during lunch so the boys and I pack up and head over there by ourselves!

                                                        This is the boys before we left!

This is the three of us!
It is not the best picture but it hard to take a good one of all us by myself! It will due I guess! Anyways Tony's Great Grandma who is 89 is not doing so great! I was really grateful that we get to have another holiday with her she is an amazing women!
     After we got through stuffing ourselves there we went home and tried to take a nap, not so successful! We usually go to my grandma's for dinner with everyone there but she is not doing very well and is living with my aunt in Tulsa, so my parents went there and we stayed! But my other aunt invited us to her house! I have to say it was very relaxing and enjoyable!
      On Friday Tony was off and we decided to host our own Thanksgiving for the first time! My sister came in from Abilene with her boyfriend  and we had my parents over! Another success, that's also because I wasn't cooking, but what do you expect when your married to a chef?
     Today is Tony and my anniversary last night after dinner my parents took the boys and we went out! Boy we are getting old, we really had to make ourselves get out, we both really wanted to stay at home and watch movies, but thankfully we made ourselves get up and out and went to see the new Harry Potter! It was good and can't wait till the last one! After the movie we went and got a bottle of wine and came home and relaxed! The best part was being able to lay in bed till 11 this morning with no interruptions! I guess when your parents of two young ones, its the small things that matter most! Tony brought home a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me!

   I have so much to be thankful for! I am excited to see what God has in store for us this next year! 

Friday, November 12, 2010

A New Blogger on Board!

    Okay watch out I am new to this blogging thing! I am not even sure if anyone will read it! But I have a few friends that have one and I thought what a great way for not only my family and friends to keep up with us, but also for our family! Kinda of like a journal! I am warning you though I am not the best speller of grammatical person, so please don't critique me! So today on November 12 2010 I am an official blogger!
     For those of you who don't know me! I am married to Tony and we are about to celebrate our seven year anniversary! We have two wonderful sons; London who is five and in his first year of kindergarten and Rowan who is two almost three! I stay at home to take care of them, but I am also a full time student going for my nursing degree! Tony is a chef and works all of the time, so its just me and the boys a lot of the time! Well I guess that brings an end to my first blog! Hopefully I didn't bore any one to much! haha!