Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Time!

So I am officially done with classes for this semester! I an not tell what a relief this brings me! This semester was my forth semester, but With the exception of last Christmas break I have not had a break from school, and mind you I have taken 17 hours each semester! This is not an easy task, trying to juggle kids, housework and keep everything as normal as possible! SO it will be nice to give my brain a rest for five weeks, before I dive into it again!

So now that school is over, I can get ready for the busy holiday season! We have decided to have Rowan's birthday party early this year! Last year we had it over a month later! So I thought it would be nice to have early and get it out of the way! He was born on the 27th  of December so I have always had this since of duty to make his birthday special and not to let it run in with the holidays and it it be passed by! He will be three, so I have decided to make a Christmas themed party! We will be decorating cookies, and making ornaments! Previous years I have done one HUGE party, because I invite family and friends! (Tony's family is really big!) But this year I have decided to keep it small, he has 7 friends coming and they are all his age! This should be fun! On his actual birthday we will have the family over and eat dinner and have cake! On a later post I will put up pictures and let you know how it turned out!

This year we decided to get a real tree! I am so excited about this! I haven't had one since I was young, so the smell that it fills the house with is wonderful and brings back wonderful memories! I have to say it fun to pick one out and strap it to the top of the car, and both of the boys were so excited to join in the fun!
Just got it in the house!
London Helping cut the twine!
That looks a little dangerous!

Rowan helping!

Well I had more pictures but some reason they aren't uploading! Now I just need to start my Christmas shopping so there will be presents under there! Well I need to stop getting distracted and clean! So tell next time!